

Friday, December 31, 2010

Holiday Update

I'm so surprised by the outpouring of support we have had.  I feel like George Bailey's wife from "It's a wonderful life", at the end of the movie when all the community shows up to contribute to helping George!  I knew Stefan was popular from the many 15 minute trips to the store that turn into 2 hours due to Stefan running into people he knows!   But I had no idea that Stefan's fan club was so wide spread!

After the intial email detailing our shocking discovery - we were amazed at the people who found out (trying to trace it back to the original email recipients).  Even Stefan's hair dresser turned up on Stefan's last night in the hospital!

Stefan was home for Christmas - which was such a relief for all of us.  For Stefan's last night in the hospital - he had been moved to the luxury spot of the Neuro ward - the 'bed in the hall'.  The nurses tried to sell it to him as a great chance to watch the ongoings and gossip of the nursing staff.  Anyone else would have grudgingly accepted this choice spot - but Stefan took it smiling and saying "that just means I'm going home soon"!

We had a wonderful Christmas at home with family - enjoying a few big meals - and our very happy daughter - who was also evidently very happy to have both mommy and daddy home all day!

We are still waiting on the pathology report - but have made the request to be placed out of the Vancouver Cancer Centre as opposed to the Fraser Valley Centre as it's closer to my work as well as more friends/family and transit.  We hope to have a meeting with them within the next week or two.  I will try my best to provide regular updates on our Brain Tumour Man!  I can tell you right now that he is still super positive and determined to beat this!


Graham # 9 said...

Glad you made it home to join family for XMAS, Stefan - keep that smile going! I must admit I kind of like your "Frankenstein Look", it'll be a nice custume for Hallowe'en! If there's anything we can do to help in any way, you know how to reach us - anything, anytime. Our love, G&T&R (and now little Alexander too!)

Geraldine Pearce said...

Love the blog - love you and love Stefan! He will beat this and will "live long & prosper"! Love & hugs from Mom xxoo

Cecilia said...

I`m so happy that you could come home to your family for christmast. And at the same time I`m very sorry to hear that you are sick, I know far to well what you all are going throug. But I know that you will pull throug this, we are all routing for you over her i Sweden. Keep strong, keep smiling and kick this tumours as.... :)