

Thursday, August 16, 2012

At least that makes one of us

Conversation with Charlotte.

Me: Charlotte, tomorrow we go back to the hospital for a sleep over.
Charlotte: yay!  Toys!
Me: that's right, we'll get to play with toys
Charlotte: and butterfly, and band-aid (butterfly is our name for the device that gets put into her port for her IV hook up).
Me: yep.  Now you won't be able to have breakfast tomorrow, but after you have had your poke in your back at the hospital you'll be able to eat.
Charlotte: I'm so excited! (said with genuine little girl glee)

At least that makes one of us!

It's at this point Stefan and I exchange shrugs and smiles and I know we are both thinking how proud we are of our resilient, amazing little girl!

1 comment:

Amanda said...

She really is amazing!