

Sunday, September 2, 2012

the trifecta

oh how I wish I was about to talk about horse racing....

no such luck.  We had the super special trifecta today, a puke in the car, diaper explosions (poop for Nathan in the crib, and pee for Charlotte), and ended the day with some blood in Charlotte's diaper.  A call to the oncologist on call and it's likely just a small tear on her bum, nothing to worry too much about, but if we do get worried, call back and they will do a blood test to check her platelets.

What, me worry?  I think I'm getting an ulcer.  My fear of getting sick has made me a hypochondriac.

Charlotte has been out of sorts all week.  Friday I brought her into Children's hospital as I was SURE she needed a blood transfusion based on her low energy levels and the fact she could hardly hold her head up.  Nope, I was wrong, her levels were fine.  Of course she perked up as soon as she saw the playroom.  Maybe the real problem is she is just bored to tears of being home and playing with mom and dad.  I don't blame her.

Nathan seems to have developed an allergy.  We think it's a food allergy, so just trying to weed out the likely culprits.  It's a rash on his back.  Poor little guy.

It's been very difficult watching this disease take a hold of my little girl.  She has been irritable, low energy, and, the only word to describe it - is sad.  Every day I think, 'tomorrow she'll be a bit better'.

Needless to say, It's been a looooong week.  At the end of each day Stefan and I just give each the look of "whew, we made it".  I tell him, 'at least if we have to do crazy, I'm glad it's with you'. 

We looked at the calendar, if everything went according to plan with no more delays, we would be done by mid November.....we are pretty sure we are going to get some delays though.

I don't know how we are going to do another 3-4 months of this.  Hanging on.

I know God will not give me anything I can't handle.  I just wish that He didn't trust me so much.  ~Mother Teresa

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