

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Three Months

Well hello there!  I'll be surprised who turns in after a long three month hiatus.  I apoligize for the long delay.  Things have been kind of crazy, and while we have had a couple quiet breaks where I probably could have done a blog update....I honestly just took the opportunity to breathe.

I'll try to give a quick run-down of what we have been up to the last three months.

- Last time I updated was on our 4th day of a 5 day stay in the hospital for e-coli.  On day 5, we did get to go home for Halloween celebrations, but not before chatting to the Neurology resident about Charlotte's MRI.  The resident told me that Charlotte has a low-lying conus (which basically means her spinal cord went lower then 'normal'), would never be a professional athlete, and described to me the possible spinal surgery she may need.  A little overwhemling.  I got to sit on this for 6 weeks until we saw a Neurosurgeon in mid-December, who, gave us the wonderful news that he "would call this (her spinal cord) normal".  Perhaps an overeager resident.  Perhaps a 'normal' parent wouldn't have stressed over it, but I KINDA had enough on my plate.  Anyway - no spinal surgery needed for my little girl.  She is progressing in leaps and bounds with her physical therapy, and I'm hopeful she will be running/jumping by kindergarten!
- We were back into Children's again in mid-November for 4 nights for fever and severe Neutropenia.  (This happened to fall on a girls night away to Blaine, Washington. Stefan stressed over whether to call me or not, and held off telling me until the morning.  Thanks to my Mom and Gerald who took Nathan for the night/day while Stefan and Charlotte went to hospital).
- We were again back in December for fever - which again meant another round of antibiotics. 
- By the time we had our 'regular' monthly chemo appointment at Childrens (December 23rd, another steroid Christmas - that's three in a row now.  Stefan was on steroids Christmas 2011, Charlotte got 2012/2013), our Doctor informed us we had garnered quite a reputation.  On their morning check-in meetings, someone would always ask if Charlotte had checked in the night before.  Nice.
-Despite Charlotte being on Steroids for Christmas, we actually had a beautiful Christmas, not too crazy, the kids were such a great age!  Loved the excitement on their faces!
-January didn't want to feel left out, so we ended up in hospital again for fever/e-coli/and severe neutropenia.  This trip was 10 days, which broke our initial record upon diagnoses.  Boo!
- I had nominated my friend Zuri for the show Operation Vacation back in early fall.  I had to keep it top secret until the reveal day which was last weekend.  Tonight she is on her way to Costa Rica for a week long, well deserved trip.  So happy to nominate her, and it was a fun experience to be a part of.  We will get a copy of the show probably in the fall, can't wait to see it!
- Overall, we have just been busy.  I've been working lots.  They haven't increased Stefan's workload, but he will be getting a bit more classroom time in the near future.  But, we have been making things work for our little family!  I imagine it's not too different then any other family of young children with two working parents.
-I registered Charlotte for kindergarten - yikes!  How did that happen?  I have no worries about how she'll do except for energy level and physical strength....but September is still a long way away and the staff at her school seem supportive.
- We have a big adventure coming up next month which we are very excited about, and I will blog once it's done!  (hint: it's our little girls wish!)
-Stefan was very successfull with his first half marathon in the fall (I don't think I mentioned that did I?  Yep, his first in under 1 hour 45 minutes).  Now he has decided to sign up for the Ride to Conquer Cancer.  There is talk of him doing it on a tandem bike with fellow rugby alumni and cancer survivor Mike!  If you would like to donate - click here: sponsor Stefan

Hope all is well for everyone!  I hope it's not another three months until my next blog, or if it is, I hope I at least have a better excuse!

traditional new year's shot

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