

Monday, March 21, 2011


The pathology results are in.  We just got the initial information on the phone, will get more once we meet with the doctor.

Turns out the initial diagnoses of an astrocytoma tumour was incorrect.  This just goes to show how the biopsy of a small sample can not be indicative of the actual tumour. 

The tumour is actually a low grade oligodendroglioma.  We are happy with this (although now I have to work on pronouncing this new name!).  With both the fact of being low grade - and the change from astrocytoma to oligodendroglioma.  Although oligodendroglioma's are rarer, they also tend to be more responsive to chemo and radiation! (only 5% of glioma brain tumours are oligodendroglioma's as opposed to 54% being low grade astrocytoma's)

I won't get into technical terms just yet until I know more - but there are characteristics of the tumour which will indicate if the tumour will be more sensitive to treatment - hopefully we'll find all that out soon.

We are renewed with optimism for our next steps.

I have some overdue thanks for the past few weeks:
  • Thanks to Dana for the use of her apartment and parking spot while Stefan was at VGH
  • Thanks to Rebecca and our parents for helping out with Charlotte (particularly Stefan's mom for helping 'watch' Stefan since he's been home)
  • Thanks to my work for the m&m gift card
  • Thanks to Stefan's fellow middle school vice-principals for the spa gift card (very much looking forward to that!)
  • Thanks for all the calls and email from everyone letting us know they are thinking of us

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