

Monday, July 16, 2012

Marital Influences

In the 8.5 years that Stefan and I have been together, we have both managed to influence each other with 2 of our favorite hobbies.

I managed to convert my husband into a gambler a number of years ago (really it was a requirement of marrying me!).  It was no easy task as my conservative, virgo husband would cringe at the idea of losing one of his hard earned dollars.  But I have a special skill at corrupting teaching casino games.  If you want to learn - just meet me at the craps table.  Now one of our favorite date nights involves a trip to the casino.

Stefan's influence on me is much more admirable.  He's recently turned me into a runner!  For those who don't know me - that might seem like no big deal - and for those who know me as Stefan's wife probably just assumed I was a runner to be with Stefan.  I can hear my rugby girlfriends choking on their water reading this.  You see, I'm not actually the athletic type.  In fact, when I first joined rugby - I didn't even own a sports bra.  One of my first work out sessions with the girls, they had me do a squat press (with no weights on the bar) and had a good laugh when I complained "this really works your shoulders".

After Charlotte was diagnosed - our couple time turned into runs.  Stefan would push the kiddies in the stroller while I did my best to keep up with him.  Stefan was awesome and encouraged me every step of the way.  I started with 1.5 km, and have worked my way up to 10 km.  I've been trying to get out almost every day for some type of exercise, usually it's a quick 4 or 5km run. 

I think we can officially call me a runner and congratulate Stefan on a job well done!

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