

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

our sense of humour

Since the diagnoses - Stefan and I have made many brain tumour jokes - it comes with the territory.  I realize though, we have probably made some friends/doctors uncomfortable with our sense of humour.  But - it's how we deal.

An example of said sense of humour:

After our appointment with Dr. C - where the doctor told Stefan he would be a vegetable if he did more surgery:
me: Honey - what kind of vegetable do you think you would be?
brain tumour man: a beet, or maybe broccoli

At our appointment with Dr. L - where the doctor mentioned a 5-10% risk of some speech impairment:
me: that's okay - I really only married him for his looks

It's okay if you're not laughing.  Stefan and I are!


Anonymous said...

Hehe, and that's why I love you guys ;) Oh, and your good looks.


Anonymous said...

I would think it would do the opposite & help set people at ease? I agree with Michelle, just another reason why we love you so much! Keep up the great attitudes & sense of humour :)