

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Surprise, Surprise

We were supposed to start the second half of this phase on Friday, but, surprise, surprise, we are delayed again.  Charlotte's neutrophils were only 0.2.  As a result, we are scheduled for bloodwork again Thursday with a possible start Friday. 

To avoid becoming bored, we have a followup appointment Tuesday with the neurologist for Charlotte.  I'm curious what they will say, as I think Charlotte's development (especially her speech) has taken off.  We will keep you posted.

Charlotte loved Halloween!  She was a cancer zapping fairy princess, and Nathan was an adorable duck!  She made it to 3 houses and then wanted to go home.  She was pretty excited about the night though!

She has also lost all her hair again, it happened pretty fast.  Once it started to fall out, it would just come out in clumps.  Kissing her head was like kissing a cat. 

Cancer Zapping Fairy Princess

Nathan enjoying the fall leaves - he was non-stop giggles!
Charlotte sporting her newest hair style!

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