

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

rough day

...not for Charlotte.  Charlotte is doing amazing - lots of energy and eating a ton.  The second half of this phase has not impacted her like the first half.  She is back in tomorrow for chemo - I'm curious if she will need a blood transfusion - based on her energy level - I would guess not.

No - the rough day was for me.  I just got hit by this wall of pain.  Maybe I have just been in a three month state of shock and denial.  But all morning and afternoon I was fighting against the tightening hand on my heart and the lump in my throat.  After both the kids were down for their naps - I curled up into bed and cried.  Stefan came home and found me and held me for a good half hour.  I guess I was a little overdue for the outlet.

Interestingly enough - my girlfriend had just blogged Sunday about the difficulty of her breathing trials.  So today, was a figurative (while minor) comparison - as I felt like I was going to choke before I started my crying session.

Afterwards, I washed away my tears, and faced my two happy smiling children.  Ended the day with a hot bath and I'm now feeling rather drained.  Tomorrow is another day.  That's all we can do - take one day at a time, and hope for more happy ones then rough ones. 


Lloydie said...

Oh Taleeni I am always amazed you don't have more of these days. You are such a strong woman but don't feel like you shouldn't have these days. You've got to get your stress and emotion out somehow!

Unknown said...

Have been reading your blog (passed along by my friend Sandra). I am amazed at your grace, strength and perseverance walking this journey. Know that even strangers are believing and praying for the very best, for healing for your man and your little girl. And always praying for you too, for an extra dose of peace and joy in the days you need it most. You are such an inspiration to so many. Big hugs from someone you've never met, but who thinks your family is pretty darn awesome.