

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Thank you Noriko

A while back, when we were staying at the hospital, we had the opportunity to have some professional photo's taken of Charlotte.

We got to meet the fabulous Noriko of Life in Images (, who volunteers her time at Childrens.  She is also a teacher for Stefan's school district, and also has her own family cancer story.  Charlotte and I had a lot of fun with our mini photo shoot at the hospital so when Noriko followed up with us and offered to take some family photos, we of course jumped at the chance!  Nathan was a cranky pants that day, but that's okay, as he is usually the easy one to photograph and I have lots of smiling Nathan shots. 

It was very hard to choose my favorites - but here are a couple!

Giving her 'hip hop' move with some 'tude, classic Charlotte!

happy girl

at the hospital - playing hide and seek with mommy!

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